Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What if I don't have enough evidence to prove stalking behavior?
Even without concrete evidence, it is essential to report stalking incidents to law enforcement and document any occurrences. In some cases, the police may be able to gather additional evidence through investigation, and a judge may still issue a temporary order based on your testimony. Additionally, evidence is cumulative for up to two years back in time, so just because insufficient evidence is present currently, it may still be of assistance if there are further incidents in the future.
How can I ensure that my assets are accurately valued during a high asset divorce?
To ensure accurate valuation of complex assets in a high asset divorce, it is important to work with experienced family law attorneys who have access to financial experts like certified public accountants (CPAs), business valuators, real estate appraisers, and other professionals capable of providing reliable valuations for your unique assets.
How do business interests factor into an Oregon high asset divorce?
In an Oregon high asset divorce involving business interests, professionals will often be enlisted to accurately value the business so it can be fairly distributed as part of marital property. If spouses co-own businesses together or if one spouse contributed significantly to its growth during marriage, more intricate evaluations may be required for equitable division.
Do I need an attorney for my Oregon divorce?
While it is not required to have an attorney during your divorce process in Oregon, having legal representation can be beneficial as they will ensure your best interests are protected and guide you through complex legal processes involved in matters like property division, child custody arrangements, and spousal support.
Do we need lawyers to draft our settlement agreement?
While not required, having lawyers draft your divorce settlement agreement can ensure that all legal requirements are met and protect each party's interests. Lawyers can also help with negotiations and provide legal advice throughout the process.
What factors does a court consider when deciding on child relocation cases?
The court will prioritize the best interests of the child while considering factors such as: reasons for and against relocation; impact on emotional, educational and developmental needs; feasibility of maintaining relationships; past conduct and history of both parents; and any other relevant circumstances affecting welfare of the child.
What happens if my former spouse doesn't agree with my request for modification?
If your former spouse disagrees with your request, you will have to present evidence supporting your claim of changed circumstances at a hearing before the judge decides whether or not to grant your request.
Do I need an attorney for a grandparent rights case?
While it is not required by law, having an experienced family law attorney can significantly improve your chances of success in obtaining visitation or custody rights. They can help you navigate complex legal processes, present evidence effectively and advocate for your interests throughout the process.
How does having a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement affect a high asset divorce?
A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can greatly impact how assets are divided in a high asset divorce by predetermining how specific properties and financial interests will be allocated upon separation. These agreements can simplify property division issues during the divorce process if validly created and enforceable under Oregon law.
What are some benefits of choosing an uncontested divorce?
Uncontested divorces offer several advantages over contested ones: they tend to be quicker, less expensive, and more amicable since both parties have agreed on all terms beforehand. This process also provides increased privacy as fewer details are disclosed in public records.

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Is It Necessary To Hire A Divorce Lawyer Or Family Law Attorney?

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Is It Necessary To Hire A Divorce Lawyer Or Family Law Attorney?

This question is standard, though completely subjective and fact-specific. It is certainly possible for people to do divorces independently, and the court even provides paperwork to the public to do so. However, unfamiliarity with legal forms can confuse the inexperienced, and mistakes can result in more considerable legal fees in the future to correct the errors.

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Practice Areas

Learn more about the types of family law matters our attorneys help with.


From dividing assets and debts, to support and child custody, we have you covered.

Oregon Family Law

Family law is more than divorce. It is an umbrella of practice areas.

Spousal Support (Alimony)

A lot goes into figuring out spousal support. We've done it all before.

Child Relocation

Moving a child away from a parent is always difficult. Let us help with the law.

Child Custody

Custody is one of the most contested and least-understood parts of family law.

Child Custody Modification

Sometimes a change in circumstances warrants a change in custody.

Uncontested Divorce

Sometimes there's no dispute, you just need somebody to draft the right documents.

Child Support

Oregon takes child support seriously, and we can help you navigate the process.

Child Support Modification

Learn about when Oregon child support can be modified.

Unbundled Services

When there's only select things you need legal help with, we offer "unbundled" services.

Grandparent Rights

Grandparents and other third parties can develop rights to see children under Oregon law. Let's discuss your circumstances.

High Asset Divorce

More assets generally means more complicated divorces. We have the experience to assist with all levels of estate.

Legal Marital Separation

Sometimes divorce is not the right choice under certain circumstances. A legal separation might be.


Mediation can be a great way to resolve disputes without a trial or courts.


Becoming legally responsible as a father requires establishing paternity. We can help.

Prenuptial Agreements

Like estate planning, financial clairity prior to marriage builds trust. Let us assist with your plan.

Spousal Support Modification

Times change, jobs change, circumstances change. Spousal support can too.

Restraining Orders

Restraining orders provide a fast means to get help for domestic violence in families.

Stalking Orders

Oregon stalking orders are serious business. If you need help with Oregon stalking law, we have experience.

Divorce Settlement Agreements

Sometimes the best outcome is the one you design yourself. We can help your create a binding agreement.

Schedule A Consultation

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