Blended families can be challenging, but navigating the complexities of having an alcoholic stepparent can be even more difficult. In this blog post from Pacific Family Law Firm, readers will learn about the impact of an alcoholic stepparent on children and tips for supporting them. The post also discusses legal considerations and support for families in Portland, Oregon, and surrounding areas.
Read MoreClients always want to know the duration and the price of an Oregon divorce. Unfortunately, this is tough to answer without consulting on the case, although a common question. Lawyers charge on an hourly basis, meaning the price of your divorce is directly related to the amount of time your lawyer spends working on the matter.
Read MoreFamily law cases commonly have allegations or components of domestic violence, which is why family law lawyers routinely handle restraining order matters. Additionally, criminal defense attorneys also commonly help clients with restraining order cases, as domestic violence may have associated criminal charges associated.
Read More"Domestic abuse" is defined by Oregon law. Generally, the law states that it is abuse when a family or household member takes certain actions.
Read MoreOnce a hearing has occurred, and a judge has upheld an Oregon Stalking Protective Order, it has no natural end (it is permanent). However, the Respondent (the person prohibited from stalking) can file a request with the court to modify or terminate the stalking order later.
Read MoreWhen it comes to obtaining a restraining order, do you need a lawyer? While it's not required, representing yourself in a hearing may not be the best idea. A trained attorney can help you navigate the rules of procedure and evidence, ensuring that you present the correct information and avoid adverse rulings. Read on to learn more about why hiring an experienced Oregon restraining order lawyer is often in your best interest.
Read MoreThe Family Abuse Prevention Act (FAPA) provides for a means to have the court issue an order of protection against abuse for certain parties.
Read MoreOregon stalking orders have significant consequences, so having an experienced Oregon stalking order lawyer help you is almost certainly in your best interest.
Read MoreIn Oregon, “criminal law” refers to the system that addresses cases that involve violations of criminal law. This includes crimes like burglary, assault, murder, DUII, and other crimes.
Read MoreAn Oregon Restraining Order, sometimes called a "FAPA order" (or Family Abuse Prevention Act) restraining order is a civil order that protects from abuse or injury from a family or member of a household.
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